Assess skills and competencies
For all
No prerequisites
About the training:
This training provides an assessment of skills
Face-to-face and remote formulas:
Certifying training eligible for the CPF
The preliminary phase
Inform the person about the purpose of the assessment.
Confirm their commitment.
Define and analyze the nature of its needs.
The investigation phase
Analyze the personal and professional path: it is
through the story of his experiences that the person can
identify their skills and abilities.
Become aware of your motivations.
Recognize their areas of interest.
Identify their expectations of their work.
The conclusion
Identify all the factors likely to favor, modify
or hinder the realization of the project.
Formalize all investigative work.
Structure the different stages of the implementation of the
project with the accompanying action plan.
Rules of ethics
Beneficiary Consent
We comply with strict ethical rules such as
that they are enacted by the Labor Code Article L900-4-1
“The worker’s consent: the skills assessment does not
can be carried out only with the worker's consent. »
The balance sheet center therefore ensures the voluntary approach of the
beneficiary. Professional secret
Balance sheet advisors are bound by professional secrecy
concerning the content of the sessions, under article 226-13
of the Penal Code.
Professional secret
Balance sheet advisors are bound by professional secrecy
concerning the content of the sessions, under article 226-13
of the Penal Code.
Ownership of skills assessment results
The beneficiary of the skills assessment is the only recipient
detailed results and synthesis. They cannot
in no case be communicated to a third party.
Respect for privacy
Any information provided by the beneficiary as part of the
balance sheet concerning his private life remains completely confidential
and subject to ethical rules and protected by the
professional secret.